Public Engagement & Analysis
Professor Dunn-Square
Pop Culture / Political Meme Assignment
Do you know what a meme is? You probably do even if you don’t know you do! Memes are seen daily on social media sites and it’s just something (usually funny) that gets passed around on the Internet.
- Choose pop culture and/or political figures and create eight different memes that shows how you think the public perceives him or her.
- Find photos on the Internet to incorporate into your memes. You can mix the pop culture and political figures or choose to stick with one through the presentation.
- Your memes can be serious or comedic, but they must make sense.
- You must provide a paragraph explanation for each meme discussing why you chose that candidate, the candidate’s public perception and why you came up with the meme wording.
- You will also prepare a 5-minute PowerPoint to present to the class. You will need to turn in a copy of the memes and explanations in the designated Blackboard Drop Box.
Remember, this is an opportunity to have fun and use creativity. However, please keep the following guidelines in mind:
1) Make sure the memes are appropriate. No profanity, no nudity, etc. Please do not offend your classmates.
2) Do not use already created memes you find on the Internet or social media sites. I will check the wording.
3) If these guidelines are not followed, you will receive an automatic “F.” No excuses!!!
There are several meme generator sites to choose from. You may use the following:
You will be graded using the presentation rubric attached to this assignment.
Total Assignment: 100 pts.
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