Benchmark – Developing a Personal Learning Philosophy

Consider what you have learned through your previous practicum experiences and use the balance of your practicum hours to discuss with your classroom teacher the elements of your personal learning philosophy.

Use the “Learning Philosophy Template” as a resource to guide the writing of your personal learning philosophy essay.

In a 1,000-1,250-word personal learning philosophy essay, include the following:

  1. The nature versus nurture concept and debate.
  2. What it means to be an early childhood professional.
  3. The role of the early childhood educator as a professional when working with learners, families, and colleagues.
  4. The role of the early childhood educator as advocate on behalf of children.
  5. Your methods for assessing student understanding for Birth to Age 5/Pre-K and K to Age 8/Grade 3 children, including your views on the statement “all children can learn” and key assessment practices.
  6. The role of technology in the education of young children.
  7. The importance of environment to teaching and learning for Birth to Age 5/Pre-K and K to Age 8/Grade 3 children.

Use course readings on particular theories, as well as 3-5 scholarly articles that can be used in support of your personal learning philosophy.

Prepare this assignment according to the GCU guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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