Question 1

Project Scope
Part 1:

Work with your supervisor at your Host Company, to identify a project that you can work on, i.e. a defined piece of work that you can plan, investigate, develop and deliver during your time at your internship.

Your project does not have to be big, but it cannot be routine, everyday work, such as working on help desk, assembling PC’s, fixing bugs in programs, and so on. You will use this project to produce an RMP (Risk Management Plan) in weeks 7 and 8 of the course

Now create a Scope Statement for your project, using the template provided and the separate instruction document for completing it. Please take care to enter information in ALL required fields. The information you write in your Scope Statement should be 200 – 300 words:

You should have at least 3 constraints, 3 assumptions and 3 risks. Write at least a paragraph (several sentences) for the Project Description and the Business Benefit.

Part 2:

Using the RMP template , complete the left hand side of Part 2: Risk Register (i.e. the first five columns, ending in “Risk Consequences”. You should list at least 8 possible risks.

Details of fields in the RMP Risk Register:

  • Risk Ref. No: This is just a sequential number, used as a key for associating with the Risk Treatment Plan.
  • Category: Select Commercial, Finance, Security, Safety, or Legal/Regulatory from the drop down list. You may have more than one risk in a category.
  • Risk Description: e.g. “Older scanners may not work under Windows 12”.
  • Risk Cause: e.g. “Drivers may not exist for Windows 12”.
  • Risk Consequences: e.g. “Invoices cannot be scanned in”

Analyse your project’s risks

Analyse the risks in your project; you may discuss these with your supervisor. Using the RMP template again, complete the right hand side of Part 2: Risk Register (i.e. Impact and Likelihood). Do not change the Rating column, it will be calculated for you automatically by the spreadsheet.

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