Imagine that you are applying for a promotion or for a position in a criminal justice agency of your choice (one at which you are presently working or one at which you desire to work). Conduct an Internet search for some statistics that pertain to the department (e.g., number of offices, employees, cases handled per year, budget, successes/challenges, positive/negative media coverage).

Complete an 8-10 slide PowerPoint presentation for the hiring/promoting authority. Using the statistics, you have discovered as a foundation, and analyzing whether there are any gaps or shortcomings in the data you’ve discovered, recommend to the hiring/promoting authority a research project that could be done and/or statistics that could/should be collected. Also emphasize how what you have learned in this course makes you the best candidate for the position. Remember to cite your sources and include a reference list

Some examples of positions are: chief crime prevention officer, police chief, prosecutor, court administrator, presiding judge, public defender, parole/probation director, lead juvenile probation officer, jail/prison administrator, and rehab/social service program director.

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