Assignment 3: Job Packet Deliverables:

This assignment has two major sections: the cover letter and the resume.

Cover Letter:

The purpose of this assignment is to help you (1) learn how to write a solicited cover letter according to business letter standards, (2) learn how to tailor a cover letter to a particular company, and (3) integrate PAR stories into a cover letter. Your goal is to write a solicited cover letter for a specific job. Your letter should be personalized to the company, and it should highlight PAR stories that effectively communicate your personal characteristics.

Cover Letter Expectations:

You must include the link to your job ad or provide a description. Your cover letter should:

• Be written specifically for the job ad you are applying to including actual language from the job ad

• Use you-attitude (or What’s In It For Me?) throughout

• Have an opening that creates a thesis based on job’s needs

• Contain an agenda that forecasts the main points you are selling yourself on (a great idea is to turn these into headings)

• Not be a rehash of your resume but should enhance it


The purpose of this assignment is to help you (1) learn how to tailor a resume to a particular company, (2) create a polished resume, and (3) integrate results into a resume. (You can spell it as résumé, resumé, or resume—I’m using the version with no acute accent for this description.)

Your goal is to design and write a resume for a specific job. Your resume should be personalized to the company, and it should highlight results that effectively communicate your personal characteristics and achievements.

Resume Expectations:

It’s a good idea to get feedback from your profession on specifics, but all chronological resumes should:

• Contain a header that is unique to your name (and matches cover letter)

• Include your college, graduation date, major, minor, GPA (probably), relevant classes (depending), and previous schools’ dates attended

• Not include high school

• Emphasize results over responsibilities

• Be no longer than a page

• Begin each list with a first-person verb (not including “I” subject); the verb should be in past tense for completed work and present tense for current work

• Use strong verbs and no gerunds

• Follow sound document design principles, such as bullets, lists, headings, proper typefaces, etc.

• Differentiate you from competition (make the resume unique; avoid templates)

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