For Milestone Three, you will consider your chosen project for the course and assess project control techniques, analyze the communication plan, and make recommendations regarding resource management.

To complete this assignment, review the Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric document (ATTACHED).

Prompt: Assess project control techniques, analyze the communication plan, and make recommendations regarding resource management. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

  1. In this section, you will assess the project control techniques utilized during the project, specifically:
    1. Determine the quality auditing tools and techniques executed during control.
    2. Recommend specific reporting metrics from which the project could have benefited, considering how elements of Earned Value Managementwere used to help control the project.
  2. In this section, you will break down the communication plan used during the project, including its elements (e.g., frequency of meetings, types of meetings, and tools used), specifically:
    1. Critique the communication tactics chosen for the project.
    2. Propose communication strategies that would have been more appropriate for the project, providing reasoning for your proposal.
  3. Resource Management
    1. Describe the resource conflict within the project and how it was handled.
    2. Recommend best practices in resource management that could have been used in this project, including those related to staffing needs andways to avoid resource conflict.
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