Long story short, I’ve been working on a project related to importance of “UX UI Design in e-Commerce”. I’ve already written a problem statement and how I will fix it. However, I want somebody who is professional to write an introduction paper. I’ve attached the file that I wrote. Please use the document and follow the instructions below.

Introduction paper (4 page excluding non-content pages) must include:

  • A description what you intend to do (purpose).
  • A clear description of the situation/problem that you intend to improve with your research.

The paper must follow the formatting guidelines in The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2010), (6th ed., 7th printing), and contain scholarly references. In addition, the paper will be submitted through the Turnitin originality-checking tool.

NOTE: If you have no idea about UX UI design and e-commerce, please do not get the assignment in the first place. I will not be able to respond to your questions.

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