Instructions Select one of the social problems presented in 6.5 Problems Facing Older Americans. How can we begin to change the negative stigma surrounding “getting old”? Why is our society so obsessed with being young at the expense of marginalizing those that came before us? How do we begin to celebrate the natural aging progression rather than fear it? Task: Think back to all four of your grandparents. If you did not know or meet some of them (or all) describe an elder in your life (briefly). What was/are their twilight years like? How do you envision your later years? How can you avoid the pitfalls of getting old ? Finally, why do we avoid discussions of mortality, rather than embrace it? References Textbook and other sources must be cited in MLA format. Length Minimum 2 full page, 12-point font, Times New Roman, and double spaced with 1 inch margins. textbook:
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