PLAY OPTIONS- The Taming of the Shrew, A Midsummer Nights Dream, A Midsummer Nights DREAM, The Merchant of Venice, The Merry Wives of Windsor, or Romeo and Juliet FIRST PART Critical Paper Prospectus (5%) On or around the 10 th week (See Course Schedule for Due Date) you will submit a detailed prospectus for your Critical Paper. The prospectus will include the following: -Proposed Title -Research Question -Minimum 3 Critical Sources and 1 Primary Source -Minimum 300 word discussion of your research topic, question, how you intend to approach your analysis, brief outline. SECOND PART The Critical Paper (20%) You will also write a critical paper on a topic related to Shakespeare. You may choose to do an in depth analysis of one of the plays, a detailed character analysis, an explication of themes, a discussion of staging or possibly staging options for one of the plays, or any other relevant topic. If you are an elementary/secondary education major you may wish to research teaching Shakespeare through performance; however, this is not an informational paper, so you must have arguable thesis. Rememberthis is a literature class, not an education class, so your paper must include in depth critical analysis of a play or plays. In other words, while you may use this as an opportunity to further explore the pedagogy of teaching Shakespeare through performance, the paper must still contain a substantial and well-developed critical and literary core. Do not include biographical information on Shakespeareyour audience for this paper is your peers, and they will already to quite knowledgeable about Shakespeares life and times. Including biographical details will be viewed as mere filler, and will not count toward the required page minimum. There are endless possibilities for topic choices. If you have an idea other than those suggested here, run it by me, and we’ll discuss possible ideas for developing your topic. Please keep in mind that this is a critical paper and is not merely informative. Be sure to have a recognizable thesis statement/argument. ** Please Note : Source materials such as Cliffs Notes, Monarch Notes, Spark Notes , etc. are not acceptable critical sources. Do not use them. You are to research college-worthy critical materials such as the scholarly journals Shakespeare Quarterly, ELH ( English Literary History ), and books of criticism/critical essays. Each Folger edition of the play lists many excellent critical sources for that particular play. The use of unapproved sources will result in a grade of F for that assignment. Be careful of websites. Be sure you have checked the authenticity of any website materials you use. There are several excellent websites on Shakespeare, but quite frankly, theres a lot of junk out there as well. I strongly recommend you stick to peer-reviewed critical sources such as those available Library databases or published books. Two exceptions are the Folgers Shakespeare Library website and The Chicago Shakespeare Theater website. Criteria: 9-10 pages (of text not including Works Cited page), double-spaced, standard margins, 12 point Times New Roman font 2. MLA documentation style 3. Minimum 5 critical sources in addition to the primary source or sources. Each Folder edition of the play lists many excellent critical sources. You should also use Shakespeare After All as one of your 5 critical sources. (Be sure to quote from the play itself and cite the play as a primary source.) 4.Topic Selection: If you have taken Literary Criticism, a good choice might be to compare and contrast a variety of critical views of one of the plays. Do these changes reflect changes in society?Or do they demonstrate something entirely different? Be sure to identify the specific literary theories and theorists, discussed and how those theories inform our understanding of the play today. If you have not taken Literary Criticism yet, you may elect to write your paper on a major theme and and tra…
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