Assignment 3: Presenting the Training Plan Refer to both Assignments 1 and 2 in order to complete this assignment. Project Presentation Present your Training Plan using a presentation software tool with at least ten (10) main topics / slides in your presentation. Include a title slide and references section. Note : These two (2) slides are not part of the ten (10) slide requirement. Develop a creative, appealing presentation for a professional audience, using two to three (2-3) colors, two to three (2-3) fonts, and two to three (2-3) visuals in your presentation. Provide coherent, clear, organized, and substantive content that can be easily understood by the audience. Provide audio narration of the presentation slides as if you were delivering the speech. Note: If you do not have access to a microphone, then you should provide detailed speaker notes with your presentation. Create a section of the presentation in which you: Provide a brief overview of the organization. Specify the task(s) for which the training is being developed as well as the most significant elements or steps for performing each one. Describe at least five (5) characteristics of the intended audience for the training. Explain the two (2) strategies to incorporate key aspect of the selected theoretical model into the design and delivery of the planned training. Describe the instructional settings for the training being. Illustrate the instructional activities for deliver training on the task(s). Indicate all needed technology components that you plan to integrate into the training. Propose a timeline for development and implementation of the training. Propose three strategies for evaluating the effectiveness of the training during and after development. Develop a conclusion for the presentation that includes lessons learned. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: References must follow APA format. Include a cover slide containing the title of the assignment, the students name, the professors name, the course title, and the date. The cover slide and the reference slide are not included in the required assignment slide length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Analyze social, economic, cultural contexts and demographics that influence who adult learners are and what they learn. Analyze the basic principles of selected teaching and learning theories. Evaluate the methods that businesses and other post-secondary education environments use to respond to adult learning needs. Analyze the principles of andragogy and selected models of adult learning. Use technology and information resources to research issues, current trends, theories, and learning strategies for adult learning and development. Write clearly and correctly about issues in adult learning and development using proper writing mechanics.
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