In this discussion, you will explore the methods used to solve equations with variables and constants on both sides. Instructions Step 1: Respond to the following: Consider this equation: 3 x + 1 = 2 x 5. Because there are variables and constants on both sides of the equation, there are different possible first steps that can be used to solve this equation. Then, answer the following questions: What is the first step you would take to solve this equation? Explain your rationale. Do you think there is a first step that would yield the solution in fewer steps? If yes, what is it? What is one common mistake you think students could easily make if they are not careful in solving this equation? How would you teach students to avoid this mistake? Step 2: Then, respond to at least two other classmates’ posts, comparing your concepts with theirs. Once again, use any personal experience if appropriate to help support or debate other students’ posts. If differences of opinion occur, students should debate the issues and provide examples to support opinions. *Be sure to cite any outside sources in APA format.
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