ATTACHED IS THE TEMPLATE TO USE. I LIVE IN LICKING COUNTY, OHIO. You will need that info for the assignment. The primary focus of a community health nurse is to improve the health of the community. To do this involves using demographic and epidemiological findings to assess the community’s health and diagnose its needs. This assessment is aligned with the module objective “Discuss the elements of practice in community/public health nursing.” This assignment is not a paper, so there is no cover page. All of the work is completed by completing the attached template. As part of the assignment, you will complete the following tasks: typing data, an analysis of the findings with four (4) references, and community health nursing diagnoses directly on the template. Compile a range of relevant demographic and epidemiological data found on the community assessment rubric for this assignment. Use the websites listed below, as well as other websites (you can also do a Google search to find the health data you are looking for), gather information about your county and compare it with your state and national numbers. Example Websites: Healthy People 2020 U.S. Census Bureau Quick Facts – U.S. Census Bureau Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Bureau of Labor Statistics National Center for Health Statistics United Way Directory Visit your local health department’s website for their annual report (some sites provide data by zip code whereas others may not) World Health Organization Data and Statistics Center City Data The data you obtain may vary from source to source. **Be sure to include your source/reference!. This assignment is not intended to be overwhelming and should take no more than 3-4 hours to complete. If you are unable to locate data, check with your peers to see where their information was located or you may record “no data available” in the provided assessment template. Record the most recent data available; the data you record should be dated within the last 5 years; Complete the assignment using the attached template on STEP 2. Once you have obtained the required data, in the Analysis Section of the template, write a summary of findings in the space provided. Click on the analysis space and begin typing your summary. Identify actual and at risk health problems from the data that are relevant to your community. How your community is doing in comparison with other communities?

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