Post 1 This discussion task is designed to help you analyze some research studies on the topic on which you will be writing WA #3. To complete this task, you find three articles through UMUC’s OneSearch that report on research studies. Many scholarly articles are actually reports of the findings of a research study. For this reason it should not be difficult to find three such articles.  For example, if your topic is teleworking (which is a very general topic), you could easily find three studies on teleworking.  If your topic is white-collar crime, you could find three studies on the very general topic of white-collar crime. After you find your three articles, please read over the three articles and complete the following for each one: · list the source in APA format · list key terms in the article · describe the focus of the study · describe the methodology the author used · summarize the study’s findings · write your reflections on the article itself.  Comment on whether you found the study difficult to interpret, whether you understood the methodology, or other items that might be of interest to your fellow classmates. This task will help you become more familiar with finding research studies on your topic, reading them over, gleaning the main points of them, and summarizing their findings.  These skills will be helpful as you continue to research for WA#3. Post 2 In this discussion topic, we will explore some resources that are designed to help students understand the concept of a literature review . Please browse these resources and then complete the discussion post below. · the article by Ted Zorn and Nittaya Campbell, “Improving the Writing of Literature Reviews through Literature Integration Exercise” — this article is available in the e-reserves section of this class.  To access the article, please take the following steps: o  click Content o  select Class Resources o  select eReserves o  select the icon for eReserves in the middle of your page. o  in the list of items that appears, locate this article and download it. · the tutorial from The University of North Carolina on writing literature reviews .  It is linked to at the top of the Content for this week. · the tutorial from UMUC’s Effective Writing Center on writing the literature review .  It is linked to at the top of the Content for this week. Task: After reviewing the material on the Literature Review posted above, please return to your annotated bibliography and begin developing “categories” to help you to organize your sources. Post one category below and list several sources that might fill that category. Remember that some sources may fall into more than one category. Post #3 You can use a spider diagram to help you to structure your discussion of sources for writing assignment #4, the synthesis of sources essay (literature review). The spider diagram can also help in coming up with gaps and unanswered questions that you found as a result of writing it. A spider diagram is a visual tool usually used for planning your writing. However, you can also use it for evaluating and thinking about a topic in detail. To use the spider diagram, please print out your draft of writing assignment #4. Then place a piece of paper in front of you and complete the tasks listed below. For more information on the Spider Diagram, please visit the link at the top of this week’s Content, Spider Diagrams: How and Why They Work . Task : · Write your idea/title/topic/thesis in the center of a piece of paper. Draw a circle around it. For the purposes of this exercise, you will use the topic of your Literature Review. · Draw a “leg” from the central “body” of your Literature Review topic towards the top right hand corner of the page. Label this “leg” with the first topic/ca…

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