IT 510 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric You will submit your Project Plan. The project plan is a Word document that is a combination of a written explanation of the Project Plan and the explanation of the Control Plan. The WBS and timeline are represented with screenshots of the Gantt chart, resource chart, and cost table. Ensure each chart and graph is properly noted and has text explanation. Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed: IV. Project Plan: Illustrate your recommended implementation and management strategies. Be sure to include screenshots of all relevant diagrams, charts, and tables. a) Work Breakdown Structure: Describe all of the essential roles and functions required for implementing the solution. Who will be doing the work and what, specifically, will they need to do? b) Project Monitoring and Control Plan: How are you going to ensure that the project is going smoothly? What is your plan of attack to ensure that all controls are adhered to? What is the defined critical path? Be sure that you frame your response for communicating effectively to your target audiences. c) Timeline: What is the estimated amount of time for implementation? Create a visual representation that captures your timeline (e.g., Gantt chart) based on the systems development life cycle. Guidelines for Submission: Milestone Two should follow these formatting guidelines: 2–3 pages, double-spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and citations in APA.

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