Discussion 1: HU260

Cogent Reasoning

The goal of an argument, as we are using the term, is to persuade. Specifically, a good argument persuades someone into adopting a conclusion that is rational on the basis of its premises.

This week, you will recount a time when you were persuaded or had your mind changed by a good argument.

  • Make sure that you identify a situation in which you were convinced or had your mind changed on the basis of good evidence.
  • Note: An “argument” for the purposes of this class does not refer to a verbal altercation, but a collected series of statements intended to prove some conclusion.

Discussion 2: ACC226

Overhead Costs Company Example

This week we covered Chapter 3, Process Costing and Chapter 4 Activity Based Costing. Process Costing is for manufacturers which assemble products that are identical. Activity Based Costing assigns costs to overhead activities and then assigns those costs to the assembled products. Using the company in your Week 1 post, please identify some overhead costs in the manufacturing operations. What makes these overhead costs and what cost driver should be used to apply the overhead costs to the products?

Each post should be 75-150 words in length.

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