Scenario Always Fresh wants to ensure its computers comply with a standard security baseline and are regularly scanned for vulnerabilities. You choose to use the Microsoft Security Compliance Toolkit to assess the basic security for all of your Windows computers, and use OpenVAS to perform vulnerability scans. Tasks Develop a procedure guide to ensure that a computer adheres to a standard security baseline and has no known vulnerabilities. For each application, fill in details for the following general steps: 1. Acquire and install the application. 2. Scan computers. 3. Review scan results. 4. Identify issues you need to address. 5. Document the steps to address each issue. Required Resources ? Internet access ? Course textbook Submission Requirements ? Format: Microsoft Word (or compatible) ? Font: Arial, size 12, double-space ? Citation Style: Follow your school’s preferred style guide ? Length: 2 to 4 pages Self-Assessment Checklist ? I created a procedure guide that provides clear instructions that anyone with a basic technical knowledge base can follow. ? I created a well-developed and formatted procedure guide with proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. ? I followed the submission guidelines.

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