This work should be working on Blender Part 1: Creating the Monkey Head Grid First, make sure you include the following at the top of your script file: import bpy from math import * def selectAll(): # select objects by type for o in if o.type == ‘MESH’: = True else: = False return def clearAll(): selectAll() bpy.ops.object.delete() return Then, write a Python function that, given an integer n , creates a n×n grid of monkey head objects: First, set two of the three axes (e.g., x and y) at – n , and the third axis to 0 Use a pair of nested loops, each looping n times Inside the inner loop: create a monkey head ( bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_monkey_add ) move it to (x,y,z) set up the location of the next head by incrementing one of the axes for example, if you are creating the grid on the x and y axes, x = x + 3 Inside the outer loop after each completion of the inner loop (creating a row of heads), increment the other axis by 3 and reset the first axis to – n for example, if you are creating the grid on the x and y axes, y = y + 3 and x = – n Test your function by first clearing the 3-D view (i.e., by calling the clearAll function), then calling your function with the value 10. Part 2: Rotating the Monkey Heads Once your function from Part 1 is working, write another Python function to simulate the Peevish Postman Problem by rotating the monkey heads: Select all of the monkey heads as a list variable, using bpy.context.selected_objects Set n to the size of your heads list (i.e., use the len() function) Set a rotation variable to 180 degrees in radians (use the function math.radians(180)) De-select all of the objects: for obj in = False Again use a pair of nested loops: In the outer loop, loop from 1 to n (for example, loop i from 1 to n ) In the inner loop, loop from the current value of i to n by increments of i (for example, loop j from i to n in increments of i ) Inside, the inner loop, rotate the head at index j-1 by the rotation on the third axis for example, if you created the grid on the x and y axes, rotate by the rotation on the z axis: heads[j-1].rotation_euler.z += rotation

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