You are required to watch the BBC Newsnight interview between interviewer Jeremy Paxman and his guest Russell Brand available here:

Transcript analysis

You are required to annotate the provided written transcript of the interview with comments identifying: (I attached the transcript below with sample annotation, please make as much annotation as possible)

1. The purpose of each participant at the beginning of the interview and comment on whether or not their purposes were more likely to cause conflict or manage conflict
2. The stories the participants are telling themselves and any specific acts of vilification
3. Any instances in the interview where any of the participants became threatened and explain why
4. Any instances where the participants were relying on opinions rather than facts

Conflict management evaluation

You are required to write a 1,500 word report explaining how you believe each participant could have managed themselves and the interview more effectively.

Your report structure should include an introduction, a conclusion, and a minimum of fifteen academic references with at least five of these coming from academic journals.

Please make sure there are minimum of fifteen academic references with at least five of these coming from academic journals.

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