Whistle blowers and HRM

Given the very recent and public news on whistle blower. In a well-researched, argued paper, please address the following:

-What is ‘whistle blowing’ and why is something like this recognized by law, such as in employment regulations? (Be sure to identify specific employment regulations, as well as other regulations relevant to business management that offer protections to whistle blowers).

-What role does whistle blowing play in governance of organizations and institutions?

-What competencies may or may not be associated with whistle blowing behavior?

-What roles do leadership AND functional departments such as HR have in compliance of whistle blowing laws?

-What benefits are derived from whistle blowing? What disadvantages exist for people who act as whistle blowers?

At a minimum, it should be 5 pages, with at least 10 sources, drawing from both reputable news outlets and academic journals.

The whole paper should be written in APA style, all source should be cited. Turn in through Turnitin, so pls no plagiarism.

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