Assignment Instructions Create a narrated 6-8 slide presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint® in which you discuss the aspect of software development history that you found most interesting during this week’s learning. Be sure to discuss whether this historical aspect has a continuing influence in today’s software development environment in terms of core programming concepts such as repetition structures, decision structures, arrays, functions, and variables. For example, think about how the shift from procedural programming to object-oriented programming changed or did not change how the core concepts were handled. When composing your presentation, be sure to use Standard English and a highly developed and sustained viewpoint and purpose. The communication of your presentation should be highly ordered, logical and unified. Additionally, one slide must be devoted to some aspect of software development history demonstrating the benefits of multiculturalism and diversity in a global context. How has software development evolved as we have become more globalized and how has it influenced the growth and change in software development? Your presentation must have narration throughout as if you were delivering it in a live, professional setting. Focus on your word choice. Your oral delivery techniques, including word choice and oral expressiveness, should display exceptional content, organization, and style, while leading the audience to a dynamic and supported conclusion. For instructions on adding audio to your presentation, please review the HOONUIT module on adding media. Assignment Requirements Narrated content must be effectively incorporated into the presentation. Oral delivery techniques, including word choice and oral expressiveness, displays exceptional content, organization, and style, while leading the audience to a dynamic and supported conclusion. At least one slide must demonstrate the ability to analyze the benefits of multiculturalism and diversity in a global context. Assignment Requirements Points Possible Points Earned Student selects a specific aspect of software development history to discuss. 5 At least one slide analyzes an aspect of software development history that demonstrates the benefits of multiculturalism and diversity in a global context. 5 Student work includes recommended solutions to issues that arise from a more globalized software development environment. 5 Effectively discusses how this historical aspect continues to influence today’s software development environment (taking into account covered programming concepts, such as repetition structures, decision structures, arrays, functions, and variables). 15 Student’s voice narration effectively incorporated into the presentation. 10 Presentation is 6–8 slides in length. 5 Total (Sum of all points) 45

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