Question c.1 page 407 Chapter 9 1.       Question – Suppose you are testing the null hypothesis that a mean equal 75 versus a two-tailed alternative. If the true (but unknown) mean is 80, what kind of error might you make? When will you not make this error? Question C.3 page 408 Chapter 9 2.       Question – Explain exactly what it means for a test statistic to fall in the rejection region. Question C.8 page 408 Chapter 9 3.       Question – Suppose that you wish to test a researcher’s claim that the mean height in meters of a normally distributed population of rose bushes at a nursery has increased from its commonly accepted value of 1.60. To carry out this test, you obtain a random sample of size 150 from this population. This sample yields a mean of 1.80 and a standard deviation of 1.30. What are the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses? Is this a one-tailed or two-tailed test? ================================================== I’m Attaching text book for the reference, Questions are from this text book.

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