In this project you will bring together everything you have learned in this class, including both programming techniques and non-technical skills. Tiny Distributors is a small brick and mortar store that sells various items. The owners feel they are at the point in their growth where they would benefit from a presence on the Internet. They have hired Web developers to create the website and pages, but need a Java developer to create underlying functionality. The owners have listed the following as the minimum functionality required for this project. The ability to add, modify, and delete customers The ability to add, modify, and delete inventory items The ability to add, modify, and delete customer orders;      a customer order is comprised of two parts: the order header and one or      more line items The ability to create and print a customer report The ability to create and print an individual customer      order The ability to create and print an inventory report      listing all inventory items in stock The ability to create and print an order report listing      all orders currently open Although you will not be required to re-submit Phase 1, you may have received feedback for Phase 1 that will affect Phase 2. Please be sure to include any additional information in Phase 2 based on that feedback. PHASE 2 REQUIREMENTS: In this phase, you will create the coding needed to complete the functionality for the project. While you will not need to execute the code, all code must be syntactically correct and logically ordered. Write the class definitions for all classes. Be sure to      include all properties and methods, including the getters and setters for      each class. Write the code to create an object of each type of      class created in Part 1. The names of the objects created in this part      will be used for further requirements in this phase. Do not populate the      properties here; that will be accomplished in Part 3. Write the methods that will populate the properties of      each object created in Part 2. For purposes of this part, assume that you      have read the data from a flat file into variables for each property in      the class. These methods will be used for further requirements in this      phase. Write the code to print out an individual customer’s      information. Your code must read the customer from a file, populate the      object, and display the data from the object. Write the code to print out an order for an individual      customer. Your code must read the order header from a file, populate the      object, and display the data from the object. Then you must read each line      item from a file, populate the object, place the object in a linked list,      and display the data by reading from the linked list after all the line      items have been added. Write the code to print out a customer report. Your      code must read each customer from a file, populate the object, place the      object in a linked list, and display the data from the linked list. Write the code to print out an inventory report. Your      code must read each inventory item from a file, populate the object, place      the object in a linked list, and display the data by reading from the      linked list after all items have been added. Write the code to print out an order report. Your code      must read each order header from a file, populate the object, place the      object in a linked list, and display the information by reading the linked      list after all orders have been added. Write the code that will read the inventory information      from a file, populate the object, and populate a linked list with all the      inventory objects. Then find a particular item in the linked list based on      user input and display the information for that item. Write an executive summary for the owners of the      company. This should include at a minimum: a. the benefits that will be achieved from installing th…

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