A client of your consulting company has three retail locations in different cities requiring the use of VLANs and WLANs to handle the network traffic created for communication and data processing among the geographically dispersed locations. Your supervisor has tasked you with documenting options for the client. Create the following documents for your client: A logical network diagram using Microsoft® Visio® that includes the following: The three city locations Designation of one of the cities as host for the company Data Center A VLAN structure for each location A logical network diagram using Microsoft® Visio® that includes the following: The three city locations A fourth location that will represent the cloud service provider hosting the Data Center for the company, including the use of server virtualization in the cloud A VLAN structure for each location A 1-page Microsoft® Word document explaining your network layouts that includes the following: Your rationale for each of the diagramed VLAN structures for the organization The type of cloud service the service provider will provide the company and your rationale (for the cloud data center only) Note: You will use the results of this assignment in your Week Three individual assignment, “Wireless Local-Area Network (WLAN).”
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