I need access database urgently Drivers and Insurance Project Description: In this project, you will add fields  to a table and set data validation rules. You will also import a text file  into a database, design advanced queries, and create a navigation form.  Additionally, you will use SQL to modify a record source and create an  embedded macro to automate opening a report. Instructions: For the purpose of grading the project you are required  to perform the following tasks: Step Instructions Points Possible 1 Start Access. Open the file named exploring_a_capstone_grader.accdb .    Save the database as exploring_a_capstone_grader_LastFirst . 0 2 Create a table in the database by    importing the downloaded delimited text file named Insurance_Text.txt . Use the first row of the file as field    names, use InsuranceID as the primary key, and then name the table InsuranceCos_Text .    Accept all other default options. Do not save the import steps. 6 3 Create a new field in the Agency    Info table after InsPhone named Web site with the Hyperlink data type. Save    the table. In Datasheet view, add the Web site http://William_Smith.com to    the William Smith record (1). 6 4 Create a new field in the Agency    Info table after Web site named AgentPhoto with the Attachment data type.    Save the table. In Datasheet view for Record 1 ( William Smith ), add the downloaded picture file named a00c2WmSmith.jpg to the AgentPhoto    field. 6 5 Set the validation rule of the    InsuranceCo field to accept the values AS , NAT , or SF only. Set the validation    text to read Please    enter AS, NAT, or SF. (include the period). 7 6 Make InsuranceCo a lookup field in    the Agency Info table. Set the lookup to get values from the InsuranceID    field in the InsuranceCos_Text table. Accept all other defaults and save the    table. In Datasheet view, click in    any InsuranceCo cell and click the arrow to view the options. Close the    table. 6 7 Create a new query using Design    view. From the Insurance table, add the DriverID, AutoType, TagID, and    TagExpiration fields (in that order). Save the query as Missing Tag Dates . 5 8 Set the criteria in the    TagExpiration field to find null values. Run the query (two records will    display). Save and close the query. 5 9 Create a new query using Design    view. From the Drivers table, add the Class field. Change the query type to    Update and set the criteria to update drivers whose class is Minor to Junior .    Run the query (eight records will update). Save the query as Driver    Class_Update and close the query. View the updates in the Drivers    table and close the table. 9 10 Create a new query using Design    view. From the Drivers table, add the Class field. Save the query as Driver    Class_Delete . 4 11 Change the query type to Delete and    set the criteria to delete drivers whose class is Special . Run the query (one    record will delete). Save and close the query. View the changes in the    Drivers table and close the table. 6 12 Create a new query using Design    view. From the Insurance table, add the DriverID, AutoType, AutoYear, and    TagID fields (in that order). Save the query as Auto Year_Parameter . 5 13 Set the criteria in the Auto Year    field to display the prompt as Enter the auto year: and run the query. In    the prompt, enter 2007 and click OK to view the results (two    records). Save and close the query. 5 14 Use the Performance Analyzer to    analyze the Drivers table. Note the idea to change the data type of the    Weight field from Short Text to Long Integer. In the Drivers table, set the    data type of the Weight field to Number (Long Integer) and save and close    the table. 5 15 Create a Navigation form based on    the Vertical Tabs, Left template. Drag and drop the Drivers form onto the    first tab of the form. Drop the Insurance form onto the second tab. 7 16 Drag and drop the Drivers report    onto the third tab of the Navigation form….

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