Use the file located in the I:koppoutboxCS 222 01Programming AssignmentsChapter 01 folder.  Complete the following: 1.Modify the Constructor for the Fraction class so that GCD is used to reduce fractions immediately.  This means that the __add__ function no longer needs to reduce. 2.Implement the remaining simple arithmetic operators (__sub__, __mul__, and __truediv__). 3.Implement the remaining relational operators (__gt__, __ge__, __lt__, __le__, and __ne__). 4.Modify the constructor for the Fraction class so that it checks to make sure that the numerator and denominator are both integers. If either is not an integer the constructor should raise an exception. You must use the Fraction class created in class and located on the Instructor drive as shown above.  If you do not do this, you will receive a grade of 0.

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