// GENERATED /* INSTRUCTIONS * * Complete the exercises below.  For each “EXERCISE” comment, add * code immediately below the comment. * * Please see README.md for instructions, including compilation and testing. * * GRADING * * 1. Submissions MUST compile using SBT with UNCHANGED configuration and tests with no *    compilation errors.  Submissions with compilation errors will receive 0 points. *    Note that refactoring the code will cause the tests to fail. * * 2. You MUST NOT edit the SBT configuration and tests.  Altering it in your submission will *    result in 0 points for this assignment. * * 3. You MUST NOT use while loops or (re)assignment to variables (you can use “val” declarations, *    but not “var” declarations).  You must use recursion instead. * * 4. You may declare auxiliary functions if you like. * * SUBMISSION * * 1. Push your local repository to the repository created for you on Bitbucket before the deadline. * * 2. Late submissions will not be permitted because solutions will be discussed in class. * */ object subtyping { // Instances of Counter have a integer field that can be incremented, decremented, or read. class Counter { private var n = 0 def increment () = { n = n + 1 } def decrement () = { n = n – 1 } def get () : Int = n } // EXERCISE 1: complete the following function. // The observeCounter function has one parameter f: a function that accepts (a reference to) a Counter instance but returns nothing. // The observeCounter function should call f with (a reference to) an object (of a class extending Counter). // Your class that extends Counter must keep track of the total number of times that increment/decrement have been called. // I.e., if the increment method is called 3 times on an instance, and the decrement method is called 2 times on the same instance, then it should store 5  (somewhere other than the existing field n). // observeCounter should call f, and then return the total number of times that increment/decrement were called on the instance by f. def observeCounter (f : Counter => Unit) : Int = { val o1 = new Counter() f(o1) o1.get() // TODO: Provide definition here. //    -1 } // EXERCISE 2: complete the following function. // It is the same as observeCounter except that f has a parameter of type List[Counter] not Counter. // f will insist that the List[Counter] has length 3. // You must return a List[Int] not an Int. // The first element of the result List[Int] must correspond to the number of times that increment/decrement were called on the first element of type List[Counter], similarly for the second and third elements. def observeCounterList (f : List[Counter] => Unit) : List[Int] = { // TODO: Provide definition here. List (-1, -1, -1) } // EXERCISE 3: complete the following function. // It is the same as observeCounterList except that f has a parameter of type Array[Counter] not List[Counter]. // f will insist that the Array[Counter] has length 3. // You must return a Array[Int] not a List[Int]. // The first element of the result Array[Int] must correspond to the number of times that increment/decrement were called on the first element of type Array[Counter], similarly for the second and third elements. def observeCounterArray (f : Array[Counter] => Unit) : Array[Int] = { // TODO: Provide definition here. List (-1, -1, -1).toArray } }

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