Discussion Questions Describe the problem at IFG as succinctly as you can. Use this description to identify the main stakeholders. IFG can’t afford the resources to identify, define, cleanse, and validate all of its data. On the other hand, building yet another data mart to address a specific problem worsens the data situation. Propose a solution that will enable IFG to leverage a key business problem/opportunity using their BI tools that does not aggravate their existing data predicament. “There’s good news and bad news,” Josh Novak reported to the assembled IT management team at their monthly status meeting. “The good news is that our social media traffic is up 3000% in the past two years. Our new interactive website, Facebook presence, and our U-Tube and couponing promotions have been highly successful in driving awareness of our ‘Nature’s Glow’ brand and are very popular with our target demographic—the under-30s. Unfortunately, the bad news is that our competitors at GPL are eating our lunch with the new mobile apps they’ve developed.” Everyone frowned at the mention of Grocers’ Products Limited, their fiercest com- petitor, which had the largest chain of integrated food and retail stores in the country and whose Premier Choice products were showcased on their shelves, making it increasingly harder for IFG to get prime space for their top brands. “Our web and social media presence has helped us to begin to develop a relation- ship with our customers,” Josh continued, “but our Marketing folks are very worried that we’re going to be falling behind, isn’t that so Tonya?” Tonya James, manager of IT Marketing, nodded her head. As the IT person work- ing directly with marketing, it had been under her watch that IFG had transformed its dowdy online presence into something that was hip and trendy. Together, she and Josh, now manager of IT Innovation, had begun experimenting with new media, creating an innovation process that took a large number of new technologies and ideas for products and services and created a protected “sand box” that enabled trial implementations for employees only. Feedback and experience at this level then helped Josh and his busi- ness colleagues select the best ones for development in full “heavy-duty” production mode for the public, complete with privacy and security protection and following all architectural standards. Only then would the chief technology officer, Rick Visser, who was charged with protecting company data and systems, allow new technologies to be fully integrated into IFG’s internal technical environment. Mark Szabo, the newly appointed head of IFG’s Business Intelligence (BI) team reported next. “As you all know, our executives are all screaming for more and more information to help them but it’s not going to be easy. What we have here at IFG is a data mess and it’s only going to get worse from what I can see.” The picture wasn’t pretty he warned. IFG had thousands of traditional systems all of which produced data and reports. The problem was that each used somewhat different definitions of impor- tant company concepts, like “in stock.” “If our goal is to improve the stocks of our products on the shelves, we’ll have to go back to rewrite many of these systems. Some of them believe that a product is ‘in stock’ when it’s on the shelves; others when it’s in our back room waiting to be put on the shelves; still others when we have received the order from the supplier or when it’s arrived at our regional distribution centers.” He went on to describe similar problems with varying understandings of such core company data as “customer,” “supplier,” “employee,” and others. “It’s hard to tell our executives how ‘sales’ are going when we don’t have a single definition of what ‘sales’ are!” he said with frustration. “Right now, I’ve got two people working full time on spreadsheets trying to reconcile data to answer the questions we continually get from the 37th floor,” he concluded ref…

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