iscussion: Strengths Across Development
Learning about psychological, biological, and social development across the lifespan is essential to competent, ethical practice. To prepare for the final project, in which you write up and analyze a biopsychosocial assessment, begin thinking about how you will apply concepts of human behavior and the social environment that you are learning in this course. This assignment supports that process by asking you to engage in self-reflection and consider how the material you have engaged with in the past 4 weeks applies to you. Using the Kultura Media tool, you will video record your response to the assignment questions.
Identify an event that occurred in your childhood that influenced who you are today.
EVENT: Helping my best friend get through her parents getting divorced
Please consider guidelines related to self-disclosure and do not discuss an event that is potentially still triggering or share intimate details.
Identify the developmental stage you were at when the event occurred and describe the important psychological, biological, and social factors that typically occur during this stage.
Explain how the social environment impacted your experience.
Explain your strengths during that time and whether these strengths have changed as you have developed.
Include a transcript and/or edit closed captioning on your video to ensure your presentation is accessible to colleagues of differing abilities
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