Marking Criteria. |
Fail (0-9.9) |
Pass (10-12.5) |
Credit (13-14.5) |
Distinction (15-16.5) |
High Distinction (17-20) |
Research /20 |
Little evidence of research. Sources are missing, inappropriate, poorly integrated or lacking credibility. Lacks clear link of sources with essay. |
Text book and 4 other relevant sources. Basic use of sources to support ideas, generally well integrated, most sources are credible. May be weaknesses with paraphrasing or integration/application. |
Research is generally thorough. Good use of sources to support ideas, mostly well integrated, sources are credible. May be weaknesses with paraphrasing or integration/ application. |
Thorough research is indicated. Very good use of sources to support ideas, well integrated, sources are credible. May be minor weaknesses with paraphrasing or integration/application. |
Thorough research is indicated. Professional use of sources to support ideas, well integrated, sources are credible. Very minor, if any, weaknesses with paraphrasing or integration/application. |
Information / Content /30 |
Essay lacks coherence; topic is poorly addressed; little analysis. |
Essay is generally coherent; topic is addressed; analyses in reasonable depth with some description. There are some inconsistencies and weaknesses with flow. |
Essay is coherent and flows well; topic is addressed quite thoroughly; analyses in considerable depth. There may be some inconsistencies and weaknesses with flow. |
Essay is very coherent and flows well; topic is addressed thoroughly; analyses in depth. There may be minor inconsistencies and weakness with flow. |
Professional work. Essay is very coherentand flows well; topic is addressed thoroughly; analyses in great depth. Very minor, if any, inconsistencies and weaknesses with flow. |
Structure /10 |
Topic, concepts are not clear in introduction. Material in the body is generally poorly sequenced. No discernible conclusion; no links to introduction. |
Topic, concepts are generally stated with some clarity in introduction. Material in body is generally logically sequenced; some weaknesses. Conclusion does not clearly summarise essay; links to introduction are not clear. |
Topic, concepts and are mostly clearly conveyed in introduction. Material in body is logically and clearly sequenced; few or minor weaknesses. Conclusion summarises essay; may be some weaknesses; generally clear links to intro. |
Topic, concepts are clearly outlined in introduction. Material in body is logically and clearly sequenced; very few or minor weaknesses. Conclusion mostly effectively summarises essay; with recommendations and clear links to introduction. |
Topic, concepts are clearly outlined in introduction. Material in body is logically and clearly sequenced; very minor, if any, weaknesses. Conclusion effectively summarises essay; with recommendations and clear links to introduction. |
Language/ Presentation /20 |
Poor standard of writing. Word limit may not be adhered to. |
Minimum 1500 words in length. Basic and sound standard of writing; some errors in punctuation, grammar and spelling |
Good standard of writing; few errors in punctuation, grammar and spelling. |
Very good standard of writing; very few or minor errors in punctuation, grammar and spelling. |
Professional standard of writing; no errors in punctuation, grammar and spelling. |
Referencing /20 |
No referencing is evident or, if done, is inconsistent and technically incorrect. No or minimal reference list, mixed styles. |
Basic and sound attempt to reference sources; may be some inconsistencies and technical errors in style. Reference list is generally complete with 1 or 2 references missing. |
Good attempt to reference sources; inconsistencies and technical errors in style. Few inaccuracies in reference list and all references listed. |
Very good attempt to reference sources; very minor inconsistencies and technical errors in style. Thorough and consistent reference list and all references listed. |
Professional level of referencing and acknowledgment; no errors of style evident. Thorough and consistent reference list and all references lis |