This is a reflective essay based on the readings about Socrates’ Trial and Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, discussed in chapter 3 of the eText. In a brief essay, 5-7 paragraphs, submitted as a file document, double-spaced with two short supportive quotes (short quote means 40 words or less), and the rest being your own reflections based on the reading and answering any TWO of the following three questions: [a] From Socrates’ “Apology” – How did Socrates go about trying to disprove the Oracle of the god about who was the wisest person in Athens, and what do you think this shows about the nature of wisdom in Socrates’ philosophy?  What does it mean to be wise?  Have you ever known someone you considered wise?  If so, what were they like?  If not, why do you think such persons are rare? [b] From Socrates’ “Apology” – What are two of Socrates’ several opposing arguments about death not being something that he should fear?  Why do you think so many people fear death?  Do any of Socrates’ arguments help you think differently about death? [c] From Plato’s “Republic: The Allegory of the Cave” – Explain how the Allegory of the Cave can be understood as a picture of Socrates’ life and death, as well as a picture of our human situation.  What is the difference between people who won’t let go of their cave-wall-shadows and those who won’t let go of their screened technology?

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