teacher comments are posted on each section in case analysis final please re do the right way from the teacher comments also book is attached and the students example The paper must be supported by the Organizational behavior: Managing people and organizations text (Griffin, Phillips, and Gully), as well as five other outside sources. The intent of the paper is to provide students the opportunity to further explore topics from the course, demonstrate an informed understanding of the topics, and apply relevant knowledge to analyzing and evaluating the case. The final case analysis (critical assignment) must include the following components which will be graded according to the standards that are established in the Final Case Analysis Grading Rubric attached to the assignment in Blackboard.  The schedule for submitting each section and the final case analysis is as follows: Week 1: Summary of Background and Facts Week 2: Statement of Core Problem Week 3: Secondary Problem Week 4: Solutions Week 5: Constraints and Limiting Factors Week 6: Implementation of Best Solution Week 7: Evaluate Leadership Decisions Week 8: Final Case Analysis (Critical Assignment) Each of the above components must have a section heading and address the requirements as specified in the grading rubric.  In addition, writing quality and adherence to APA standards will be graded.

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