Assignment Content Scenario: You have 4 students in your 2nd-grade class who scored Emergent level in reading after taking the Arizona English Language Learner Assessment (AZELLA). You will be working with these students in a small group and focusing on receptive communication. (Receptive Communication is language that students hear or read…’s received. Productive Communication is what students produce through speaking or writing.)Your goal is to work with them to get them to Basic level or higher. Review the characteristics of emergent level students: a. Some comprehension when instruction is contextualized b. One/two word responses c. Identify people, places, and things d. Respond with one to two word answers e. Repeat and recite f. Reproduce what they hear g. Can label drawings and diagrams h. Rely on context i. List j. Categorize k. Listen with greater comprehension l. Recognize words in isolation Review Standard 1: Receptive Communication posted below. Compare the Pre-Emergent, Emergent, Basic, and Intermediate level performance indicators. Choose 1 or more performance indicators to focus on and create a 30-minute small group activity that will assess those indicators. Be sure to use supports/scaffolds for your emergent level student in order to help them access Basic level work. I will be looking for the specific scaffolds you put in place. (*Remember, emergent level students need substantial support to be able to accomplish the performance indicators in the chart below.) Incorporate skills and strategies, including technology (if applicable), that would apply to this group of learners. Explain in a paragraph how your activity balances the students’ language needs and content needs with age-appropriate instruction.

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