Submit transcriptions of an interview for using the information from week 2. transcribe only a maximum of 20 minutes for each interview. Please see attached. Submit your completed Interview Guide, including the following components: Primary Business Research Phenomenon Research Question (Level 2) Primary Research Goal(s) Initial Probe Questions Targeted Interview Questions (Level 1) Targeted Follow-up Questions Wrap-up Question Note: Be sure to use the Interview Guide Template to complete this Assignment. To prepare for this Assignment, review the Small-Scale Qualitative Research Project: Interview Guide Template, provided in this week’s Required Readings, and consider what type of research questions to ask. Keep in mind that your research question (Level 2) for this Assignment should be one that can be answered, at least in part, by the Level 1 questions asked in each interview. Questions that provoke a yes/no response are not permitted in a Doctoral Study interview guide.

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