1. Please choose two of the successful stories regarding the entrepreneurs from the book you read that you found most impactful to you (most relatable). For each story you chose; Please write a description about the service or merchandise they are selling, why you chose that entrepreneur, and do research with at least 2 cited source to see if you can find more information about this type of business.
  2. Please answer is there a common trait with the two entrepreneurs you chose? If yes, please explain. If No, please explain why.
  3. What is the common characteristics or traits that you felt the author conveyed the most throughout all of the success stories that were highlighted in the book. List some of the sacrifices they had to make and the obstacles they had to overcome to succeed.
  4. Write a reflection on if you felt this was a good assignment and was it valuable enough to be worth 60 points. Please provide your feedback on if you enjoyed reading this book.
  5. Please choose one of the learning outcomes in this class from the list below and write how reading this book helped you to learn more about the learning outcome you chose:

Course Learning Outcomes:

Explain the concept of entrepreneurship and its role in the nation’s economy.
Identify various types of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial ventures.
Explain the factors involved in starting a new business and making it successful.
Explain the steps involved before opening the doors of a new business.
Develop business ideas and assess whether or not they are good opportunities for a new business. Explain how to develop a business model.

Identify the component parts of the market research process. Identify and explain the parts of the business plan.

Explain how to build and maintain a supportive team of employees and to establish a strong business culture.

Demonstrate the ability to interpret balance sheets, income statements, and the statement of cash flows for the purpose of decision making in a small business.

Identify the sources of funding for starting and growing a new business.
Explain the legal and tax issues associated with a new business.
Explain how to grow a business into one that provides rewards for the entrepreneur and employees.

6) Please provide a reflection component on your assessment about if you enjoyed this assignment and if you felt it helped you gain more insight with the learning outcomes associated with this class.




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