For this benchmark, you will create a unit plan containing three individual lesson plans designed for the students outlined in the “Class Profile.” Choose a grade level for the students, then select an NGSS from the physical, life, or earth/space sciences, as well as a health/nutrition standard from your state, for the 3-lesson unit. You may adapt any previous assignments in the creation of this mini-unit plan, as long as the three lessons form a planned, cohesive unit.  Use the 5E lesson plan template for each of the three lesson plans. In your unit, design the three lesson plans so that they: 1. Use a variety of teaching strategies and technologies that encourage the students’ development of critical thinking and problem solving. 2. Use strategies that create opportunities for students’ active engagement in their learning and promote a supportive learning environment. 3. Incorporate the use of digital resources to promote effective verbal, nonverbal, and media communication techniques while creating opportunities for active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the elementary classroom. 4. Integrate formative and summative assessment techniques that measure all four DOK levels, and provide students feedback on their learning so that they can make adjustments; and 5. Use differentiated strategies to meet the needs of all students in the “Class Profile.” Along with the unit, submit a 250-500 word rationale describing your reasoning for your instructional choices, your use of the 5E model, and how you connected the content to student learning needs.

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