See full work attached Your written response to this discussion prompt assesses your ability to examine ethical guidelines for conducting action research in the education profession. This discussion also supports your achievement of Course Learning Outcomes 1 and 2. Think back to the courses you have taken that have given you a perspective on co-teaching and collaboration, the sharing of knowledge with fellow faculty, and using face-to-face, virtual, and blended communications. In essence, a PLC consists of individuals with an interest in the same profession. The focus of a PLC in the education field can be taking measures to ensure students learn, creating a culture of collaboration in the school, school improvement, and more (DuFour, 2004). As an education professional, you have been selected by the local university to advise them regarding the creation of an IRB for action research proposals. More specifically, as an education professional you have been selected to participate with a group of other professionals to inform and persuade the local university of why the incorporation of an IRB is of utmost importance. To start off this discussion, first view the Belmont Report, Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subjects of Research (Links to an external site.) .

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