Motivation plays a key role in the daily duties of an educator. Students are much more likely to take on the task of learning when they have compelling reasons to do so. Therefore, when students are motivated they are much more likely to succeed. Digital Presentation For this assignment, create an 8-10 slide digital presentation to be used as a professional development to be used to educate colleagues on how to use motivational strategies in their classrooms to promote student success. Include the following in your presentation: Describe the role of motivation in adolescent learning. Use your researched knowledge of motivation, as well as physical, cognitive, and socioemotional development principles learned in this course, to suggest 4-5 appropriate instructional strategies that help motivate adolescent students. Suggest 2-3 prevention or intervention techniques to use in the classroom to support and help motivate students who might be struggling, facing a challenging situation, have a specific learning disability, exceptionality, or language barrier. Provide an example of a digital tool used to support learning, motivation, and engagement. A title slide, reference slide, and presenters notes. Support your findings with a minimum of three scholarly resources.
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