Annotated Bibliography

you are going to find 10 sources of the TV series Sherlock by using APA style.

This assignment will help you to start your research on the television show you’ve

chosen(Sherlock). For this assignment you should search for and identify sources that will help

you expand your understanding of your television show, its genre, or television in

general. Usually a combination of sources works best to begin a research project.


Use only high quality, credible sources. Wikipedia and IMDB are crowd-

sourced therefore not high quality. They lack credibility as scholarly

sources because there is little editorial oversight.


Find a minimum of ten sources that you will consult as you develop your

critique of your television show. Your sources should be scholarly–from

scholarly journals, authoritative books or studies, dissertations, etc.


List the sources in MLA or APA style (your choice) and develop a short

paragraph annotating their contents. The paragraph should include a brief

summary of the contents of the source (2-4 sentences) and a brief

statements about how you think your source will be helpful (1-2 sentences).


assignment generally averages 2-4 pages in length.

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