*****PLEASE USE THE ATTACHED TEMPLET***** *****PLEASE SEE THE ATTACHED RESOURCE***** Write: In this assignment, complete the Parent Education Final Project Template -ATTACHED with the following information written in paragraph format: Introduction Describe yourself as a professional, the professional field for which this parenting project is designed. Describe the purpose of the project. Parenting Changes Discuss how parenting is changing referring to your work in the Week 1 How Parenting Has Changed discussion forum-ATTACHED. Describe the benefits of parent education using your annotated summary from your Week 1 Writing an Annotation assignment-ATTACHED. At least one in-text citation is required in this section. Parenting Styles PERMISSIVE, AUTHORITATIVE, AUTHORITARIAN, NEGLECTFUL Define each of the four styles of parenting. Highlight two to three characteristics for each parenting style. At least one in in-text citation required in this section. Impact of Parenting on Child Outcomes Summarize how parenting styles can impact child and adolescent outcomes using research from your Week 2 Annotated Bibliography assignment-ATTACHED. At least one in in-text citation required in this section. Temperament Describe temperament. Describe why temperament is important to the parent-child relationship. At least one in in-text citation required in this section. Goodness of Fit Describe goodness of fit. Provide an example of what goodness of fit looks like in action. Diverse Families Describe two common issues among diverse family structures referring to the Week 3 Group Research Forum: Diverse Family Structures discussion forum-ATTACHED. At least one in in-text citation required in this section. Family Support Propose two resources to share that you think would be especially helpful for diverse families in overcoming the issues they face. Positive Parenting Describe the concept of positive parenting from the Week 5 Positive Parenting discussion forum. At least one in in-text citation required in this section. Strategies Describe two positive parenting strategies from the Week 5 Positive Parenting discussion forum. Describe how parents can use the two identified strategies in their daily lives. Communication Describe one negative form of communication that parents want to avoid. Describe one effective communication strategies parents can use instead. At least one in in-text citation required in this section. Add or change graphics to highlight parent education content, as needed. The Parent Education Final Project Must be least EIGHT double-spaced pages in length (including graphics but not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA Style (Links to an external site.) as outlined in the Writing Centers APA Formatting for Microsoft Word (Links to an external site.)
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