Submit an essay plan that includes the following:

1) The specific product you have chosen to focus on and the issue you have identified in either its manufacturing process, supply chain, or working conditions

2) Your essay’s thesis:

Your thesis you should tell us if you would purchase this product and convey your main argument why or why not. (Remember you should have one main argument, not a list of three reasons.)

3) At least three of the pieces of evidence you plan to use in your essay to support your argument and how you plan to do so. At this point, at least one of those pieces of evidence should be something you found on your own using the research methods provided in the research slide.

Evidence 1:

Idea the evidence suggests:

Evidence 2:

Idea the evidence suggests:

Evidence 3:

Idea the evidence suggests:

4) List one other thing you plan to research for your essay.

NOTE: This assignment is asking for a plan, not for a complete essay.

As the Essay 2 prompt explains, you will be conducting your own research into an issue that you have identified regarding your product’s supply chain or factory working conditions. There are 3 different ways that you will be researching your product.

Ted talks can be used as one of the evidences.

My topic. please make an essay plan and research for this topic below.

1. Compare and contrast the arguments made by Woodyard and Chang. How are their arguments similar? How are they different?
In the two TEDx Talks videos, the two different speakers show some comparable arguments. The two TED Talks speakers narrate and explain the ordeal faced by workers in most developing countries while working for multinational companies. Both Woodyard and Chang show much concern about the poor working conditions and poor wages offered by the many global companies expanding to the poor countries where these workers call home. For instance, Woodyard says that global “trade barriers have softened, which has enabled major brands to jump from one country to the next in pursuit of cheaper and cheaper materials, and cheaper and cheaper labor” (Woodyard, 2017). Chang also talks about the problem faced by the workers, pointing a case scenario whereby that employees in such countries can work on “an iPhone assembly line… but can’t even afford to buy one” (Chang, 2012). They mainly differ in the industries they are using for their illustration. Chang’s focus is on the tech industry while Woodyard is focused on the fashion industry.
2. What interesting connection do you see between one of the TED talks and one of this week’s readings?
An interesting connection that I see between one of the TED talks and one of this week’s readings is the issue concerning forced labor, child labor, and poor working conditions of workers in Bangladesh. In the TED Talks video by Woodyard, says that Bangladesh thrives in “an industry where child labor and forced labor are bound” (Woodyard, 2017). The article by Powel (2008) explains how the US responded to forced and child labor in Bangladesh by pointing out that a “U.S. senator Tom Harkin proposed banning imports from countries that employed children in sweatshops” upon which “a factory in Bangladesh laid off 50,000 children” (Powell, 2008).
3. What company and product have you decided to focus upon for Essay 2? Based upon your preliminary research into your product’s manufacturing, what is an issue that you have discovered that you would like to focus on in your essay?
Essay 2, I have decided to focus on Apple, Inc. and the manufacture of the iPhone as a product. Based upon my preliminary research into the product’s manufacturing, I have decided to focus on the law wages and poor working conditions faced by workers in emerging economies like China, where the company has based some of its major manufacturing plants to take advantage of the cheap labor in the country.

How to research for evidence

You should take a close look at the website of the company that makes your product. When you go to the company’s website, it will most likely be the consumer website encouraging you to buy the product. You will need to look closely to find an area of the website providing a link to information about the company. For example, when I looked at the Converse website, in the lower right hand corner I found a heading entitled About Converse and I clicked on Careers and Culture. Doing so took me to a new page providing information about the company and its community impact.

2. A Google search

You should do a Google search to see if you find any reputable sources that provide information on how your product is made and direct you to any issues in the manufacturing process, supply chain, or working conditions. A blog would not be considered a reputable source. Reputable sources would include: national newspapers and magazines, as well as websites of news organizations and universities.

3. Research using the library database

Once you have identified an issue based on your perusal of the company’s website and your Google search, you will need to find articles that provide deeper perspectives. Please visit this page from the SMC library, (Links to an external site.) which provides an introduction to academic research. Click on the tabs at the top to find information on Finding Articles and Finding Web Resources.

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