Please use these three assigned readings and really follow the rubric?uploaded? (Times New Roman, 12 inch font, 1 inch margins, APA citation format) These are not intended to be summaries of the readings, but instead provide an opportunity for you to engage and apply theories, concepts, and research findings to think more critically about student diversity, schooling, and academic achievement. You will be graded on your ability to synthesize ideas, critically analyze findings from research studies, and the quality of your writing. No matter what you decide to write about, substantive reference to the readings is required. That is, you must first demonstrate your understanding of specific theories, concept(s), idea(s), and/or research finding(s), with proper author(s) citation(s), before moving on to your analysis in the remainder of your paper. You will be given a rubric that will be used for grading your critical reading response papers.
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