This assignment is part of the larger benchmark assignment that will be due in Topic 6. In this topic you will complete the “Unwrapping the Standards” Template which contains some of the planning elements within a lesson plan. Complete the “Unwrapping the Standards” template by including: A grade level (1-8) of students based on the strengths and diverse backgrounds of the students in the “Class Profile.” A standard from the Reading Standards for Informational Text strand from the Arizona English Language Arts (ELA) Standards, Common Core, or the ELA equivalent from your state. Your learning objective (refer to your textbook for guidance on writing objectives). An informational text from Appendix B: Text Exemplars and Sample Performance Tasks. Check the table of contents for suggested informational texts for the grade level of your choice. Choose an informational text that you have access to or can obtain from your local library. A few sentences that briefly summarize your lesson and its central focus. A list of instructional materials, equipment, and technology to be utilized for this lesson. use the Rubic aand the materia attached below

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