Please have by 8:00 Pm west coast time California time. Plagrism free, original work, and refs. APA format. Please do not disappoint. Please talk about all points. If you have a questions please ask early. Choose a different company from the Week 3 Forecasting and Constraint Study assignment as well as those that you selected in Weeks 1 and 2. You may include the company you work for if not used previously. Write a paper of 1,050 to 1,575 words in which you complete the following: Discuss how the company responds to predictable variability and integrates aggregate planning into the supply chain. Describe how supply is managed at this company. Describe how demand is determined at this company. Explain how the sales and operations plan of this company affects its supply chain performance and maximizes the company’s profitability. Assess the effect of risk management processes on supply chain constraints. Evaluate strategies that this company can employ to improve overall supply chain performance and overcome potential constraints. Include examples and cited resources in support of your argument. Format your paper according to APA guidelines.
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