As mentors and coaches, you will support teachers and staff throughout their process of inquiry. It is important that you plan and are prepared when checking in with your protégés. Additionally, you will want to continually reflect on your own growth and development as mentors. This week’s assignment is an opportunity to begin your progress plan and reflection. After reading the chapter in the course text, create a document (that you can potentially use when you are supporting teachers as a mentor or coach) and reflect on your own journey as a mentor. Please note this is a work in progress that will be modified based on your personal development and growth, as well as the development of those you coach and/or mentor. Part 1: Create your own Progress Plan document based on Table 5.7 that can be used for the current early childhood program you are working with or for a future program, making sure that you address all the elements for steps 1-4. Additionally, either embedded or at the top or bottom of the document, add a short checklist of questions that you find most relevant from Table 5.6 that you can use as reminders for yourself as you are checking in and documenting teacher’s progress. Part 2: Reflect on Table 5.8 “Mentor Development Self-Reflection” and your experience in co-creating an Individualized PD Plan from Week 2. Circle the letter next to each statement that currently feelings about your mentoring relationship (using your experience with your volunteer) and skills. Write a two page paper -Explaining why you think certain areas are strengths -Which areas you would like to grow in -Briefly describes a plan for growing mentoring for your own professional development The Documenting Progress Plan and Reflection (Parts 1 and 2) Must be a minimum of three double-spaced pages in length (excluding title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.) .

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