Use the “Clinical Field Experience B- ELA Pre-Assessment” template to complete this assignment. Part 1: Pre-Assessment and Implementation During your previous observation in your field experience classroom, you identified 3-5 students, above, at, or below standard achievement who would benefit from additional learning support. You also identified the standards and unit that your mentor class is currently learning. With this information, develop a pre-assessment in the English Language Arts content area using the “ELA Pre-Assessment” template. The pre-assessment must align with the standards and unit that your mentor teacher shared with you during Clinical Field Experience A. This pre-assessment can be oral, written, or completed through technology. The pre-assessment should identify how well selected students know the concept, and provide data that would allow you to determine learning gaps and needs in order to develop an appropriate lesson to support learning needs. Share the pre-assessment with your mentor teacher and ask for his or her feedback. Administer the pre-assessment that you created to the selected group of students and use the data to prepare for the lesson plan in Clinical Field Experience C. With your mentor teacher, identify a book that can be used to create ELA activities appropriate for the identified students. You will use this book for your upcoming “Clinical Field Experience C: ELA Mini-Lesson Plan” assignment. Speak with your mentor teacher and, provided permission, use any remaining time to seek out opportunities to observe and/or assist your mentor teacher or another teacher and work with a small group of students on instruction in the classroom. Your mentor teacher must approve any hours spent observing another classroom environment. Part 2: Reflection In 250-500 words, summarize and reflect on your field experience and the steps you took to identify students for the pre-assessment. How did the pre-assessment provide data to determine the learning gaps and needs of students? What challenges did you face when developing and delivering the pre-assessment? Explain how you will use your findings in your future professional practice. Submit the “ELA Pre-Assessment” and reflection as one deliverable.

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