Read the version of the Kohlberg example listed below and respond to the dilemma in writing. “In Europe, a lady was dying because she was very sick.  There was one drug that the doctors said might save her.  This medicine was discovered by a man living in the same town.  It cost him $200 to make it, but he charged $2,000 for just a little of it.  The sick lady’s husband, Heinz, tried to borrow enough money to buy the drug.  He went to everyone he knew to borrow the money.  He told the man who made the drug that his wife was dying and asked him to sell the medicine cheaper or let him pay later.  But the man said, “No, I made the drug and I’m going to make money from it.”  So Heinz broke into the store and stole the drug.” 1. Did Heinz do the right thing? Write at least four complete sentences in response. 2. Now evaluate your response and place your response on both Kohlberg’s and Giligan’s levels of morality (the scales are below these questions for your review). Tell me which level of morality you would fall under for Kohlberg’s levels and for Giligan’s levels, and discuss why you feel you would fall under those levels (min. 2 sentences for each). 3. What do you see as the major differences between Kohlberg and Gilligan’s stages of moral development?  Which do you see yourself belonging to primarily? (min. 3 sentences) 4. Where did you get your personal sense of morality? (min. 4 sentences)

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