Read Anne Marie Paulin’s essay “Cruelty, Civility, and Other Weighty Matters” in CEL Ch. 8 (p. 230). Also read the analysis essay, “The Weight of Sanity: A Sample Analysis of Ann Marie Paulin” in CEL Ch. 6 (p. 155). Paulin’s essay makes an argument about one way that people are marginalized or dismissed in mainstream American culture. As an example of critical reading and rhetorical analysis, the authors of the CEL have written an essay analyzing Paulin’s argument and the rhetorical tools she uses to make it. as you read “The Weight of Sanity,” think about the value of this kind of essay that summarizes and explains how an argument is working instead of evaluating its worth. Assignment : Write an initial post in which you respond to the following questions. What “grade” would you give the sample analysis (“The Weight of Sanity”) as an example of rhetorical analysis? Why? How well does “The Weight of Sanity” follow the guidelines of textual analysis provided in the CEL Ch. 6 (p. 169-182)? Post your reply as an initial post to this week’s discussion board. Make sure that you address the questions above and refer specifically to the texts in the CEL in your post. Your initial post should be at least 200 words, and be sure to follow the guidelines below for information about response posts.

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