Benchmark – STEM Unit Plan When teachers contextualize learning and integrate that context across all subjects, students are typically more engaged in learning and are able to make connections. For this benchmark assignment, you will create a four day mini-unit by completing the “STEM Unit Plan Template” that integrates science, math, technology, and engineering. Select a K-3 grade level for your unit (preferably the same grade you have been using throughout this course) and one area (science, math, technology, or engineering) to use as the primary content area of focus. Integrate the three remaining content areas into the unit as much as possible. Use your state’s standards to identify the learning goals and targets. Use the “Class Profile” to provide background data on your students. In your unit be sure to outline lessons that: Develop students’ abilities to use the major concepts of the subject area (science, technology, engineering, or math) that you selected for the unit. Integrate concepts from the remaining three content areas to help students successfully apply their developing skills. Incorporate effective strategies in which students engage in the equitable and appropriate use of digital tools and resources Differentiate the instruction based on the needs of the students in the class (as outlined on the “Class Profile”), using developmentally, culturally, and linguistically appropriate teaching and learning strategies In addition, include a research-based rationale for your instructional choices. In 750-1,000 words, describe the following: An explanation of the strategies and resources utilized, including technological tools, for the STEM instruction. How you used the data from the “Class Profile” to modify instruction to meet each child’s learning needs and promote positive outcomes. How the legal and ethical use of digital information and technology would be modeled in the unit. Cite 2-3 scholarly resources that support your rationale. Prepare the rationale portion of the assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

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