The third step in planning a unit plan is to prepare how you will differentiate and accommodate instruction for your students to meet their specific learning needs. Differentiation and accommodations are some of the most important components when preparing a unit plan , because it guides the teacher in meeting the diverse needs of all students during instruction. The planning process will help the teacher determine when to differentiate and make accommodations. It is critical for teachers to observe or review academic data in order to appropriately differentiate for their students. Part 1: Differentiation – Unit Plan For this assignment, you will complete the Differentiation and Accommodation portion for the “Science Unit Plan” to prepare for students that are below, average, and advanced in academic ability. Use the “Class Profile” as you are determining differentiation strategies and appropriate accommodations: Differentiation strategies and learning opportunities that effectively address student’ learning needs identified in the “Class Profile.” Resources and instructional adaptations to support specific differentiation needs, including testing accommodations required to meet students’ needs. The details of the “Science Unit Plan” will continue to be fully developed and revised throughout the duration of the course, culminating in a complete unit plan due in Topic 5. Part 2: Reflection In 250-500 words, summarize and reflect on the process of planning for differentiation strategies in order to meet the diverse needs of students in the science content area. What issues might arise that would need additional emphasis in the event differentiation was not effective? What resources or support staff could you utilize to meet specific differentiation needs? Support your reflection with at least two scholarly resources. Submit the “Science Unit Plan” and reflection as one deliverable. While APA format is not required for this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion

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