Diversity Reflective Response For this week’s assignment, you will watch two videos and write a personal, reflective response (much like a journal entry) – two pages. First, you’ll watch “Why Cultural Diversity Matters” by Michael Gavin. This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Michael Gavin, Associate Professor of Human Dimensions of Natural Resources, researches biological diversity and discusses the importance that history, language, and tradition have in the preservation of culture . Second, you’ll watch “Recognizing Individual Characteristics.” In this video, Dorothy Strickland discusses the importance of learning the cultural and linguistic backgrounds of each of your students. After you have watched both videos, you will write a reflective response to them. Reflective writing is a great way to process what you’ve read and develop your understanding of the text. You are able to clarify your thoughts on what you have read or viewed, solidify your reactions to and opinions on the text, and organize your thoughts. As you respond, you will question, relate, and interpret information to gain new understandings. Be sure to reference the videos and other readings for this session in your response. Keep in mind that this type of writing is more informal than an essay. Some describe it as “stream of consciousness.”

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